2024 QMJHL Draft Preview: 7th Edition The Impact of Pre-Draft Interviews and The Real Work

Pre-Draft Interviews

In this day and age, you better get it right when you draft, if you don’t, you’re be left behind. Sure, every organization sees it differently and do their own thing, but I think every one of them would agree with the value and importance of pre-draft interviews.

Obviously, for the last four years those pre-draft interviews have drastically changed due to the pandemic. During that time the “in person” formal and informal interviews gave way to the virtual world and let’s just say this, both sides had their work cut out when it came to an adjustment period.

Clearly the scouting world had to change or adapt, it had go from old school to tech driven cutting edge rapidly. One doesn’t have to explain how in-depth and important those scouting interviews go. To some NHL scouts they are make or break.

Now I’m sure in the CHL they are as equally important, but it’s really intriguing that in the hockey world we live in today that some young players are still way behind the times when it comes to media training and interview skills.

Obviously, it’s just another area that takes time and money. You see that’s why every U-18 organization or agents should implement some kind of media training and while they are at it, they should also teach these young players the finer points of a social media footprint as well.

The hockey world and all of the agencies and families think of everything else these days, but when it comes to the pre-draft interview aspect by all accounts things are lacking big time. That’s a shame really on so many different levels. Obviously, everyone is unique, everyone has their own personality, but it also begs the question how much emphasis do scouts place on them in the Major Junior ranks. Well, let’s just say a shit ton. You see any interview reveals character and drive if the right questions are explained and asked.

These interviews can also identify broad and very refined and specific hockey understanding and knowledge. One anonymous scout reported one young players interview was so good they didn’t want to end it, that the kid could have gone on for hours breaking down all the defensive sets, plays and players from every level of the game. That same scouting source also said some players struggled to remember certain plays and key game sequences from the past season and looked anxious, tremendously nervous and potentially unprepared.

They also reported some players seemed very nonchalant with their appearance and answers. Obviously, the players skill on the ice should reign supreme, nevertheless, the player’s character, integrity matter more than ever for these organizations especially when it comes to the NHL.

From a major junior standpoint, the exact same thing can be said. These interviews might be only 25 to 35 minutes in length or longer, very poignant or low key, but they are incredibly important when it comes to variables and intangibles that they can reveal.

Ask any 2024 QMJHL or NHL Draft Eligible player right now how many Zoom interviews or in person interviews they have had with each team, it would probably blow your mind.

These calls are incredibly important and each and every player coming up through the ranks should be taught the finer points of media training and be prepared when it comes to this aspect of the game. It’s more important than one might think.

Team personnel want honesty and transparency.

The player, their family and the agent want honesty and transparency.

Let’s hope that’s what happens, because that discourse is critical in building any relationship.

The Real Work

It might sound like a broken record, but what a player does after the draft is the most important aspect in their development. It doesn’t matter what round you go in; the real work begins the day after the draft and all of the days leading up to training camp.

QMJHL training camps are pretty interesting in their own right, because there’s so many moving parts, 48-hour rules and the list goes on and on. Less is more.

We hear that statement all the time, but it’s so true when it comes to the game of hockey especially during the tryout process and especially during an inter-squad game which is happening all across the QMJHL today.
I know we have all been told, “go out there and show them all what you can do” all of our lives, but this is different.
Obviously every player wants to showcase their talents, but trying to be something you’re not will get you noticed for all the wrong reasons.
Young players making the jump to the next level have to realize the importance of playing to their identity, thinking and processing the game quicker, but more importantly relying on their instincts to take over, hence the phrase “less is more.”
The players that shine the most during QMJHL training camps are those players that let things happen organically.
They don’t force the issue, they don’t try to be something they are not.
They move the puck, they play their position, they do all the little things right.
You see that will get them noticed a hell of a lot more than trying to be flashy.
Players that are able to play to their identity will undoubtedly find their way in the league a lot quicker.
They will have an immediate impact on the training camp and potentially force the hand of the powers that be to make either an easy decision or a very difficult one when it comes to player personnel.
Easy in the sense that they have to take the player and difficult because they have to part ways with a returning veteran.
The round in which you were selected or what you did last year or this year isn’t worth a shit right now.

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